
 It goes without saying, but one of the biggest benefits of getting a facial is the fact that they're good for your skin. More specifically, they cleanse and revitalize your skin, making you look vibrant and healthy. A really good facial clears out your pores and tightens your skin.

All products used during facials at Helens are:

  • Safer products free from harsh chemicals (parabens, artificial colours and fragrances)
  • Environmentally friendly (suitable for vegans with non-animal derived ingredients)
  • Developed and manufactured according to the latest EC Regulations

Please arrive for your facial free from makeup. If makeup is to be removed, this will be at an extra cost.

Full Facial £40.00

Strictly professional products are used during this relaxing Facial. Your therapist will analyse your skin and select the range of products best suited to your skin type and requirements. The treatment procedure includes cleanse, tone, exfoliate, steam, massage, mask and moisturise. 


Holistic Facial £45.00

This is a deeply relaxing facial that treats not only your skin but also your body and mind. Natural products are selected and tailor made to suit your needs and requirements. Masks are made by your therapist during the facial and essential oils are synergistically blended specifically for you. A full consultation is carried out before the treatment commences.


Dermaplaning £55.00

Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for your skin. Your therapist uses a special instrument to shave away the uppermost layers of your skin. Dermaplaning can help minimize the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, wrinkles and dull skin. Strictly professional products are selected to suit your skin care needs.The procedure is finished with a hydro jelly mask, luxury serum and application of SPF. The procedure can reveal smoother, firmer and healthier skin.


Extraction Facial £45.00

This facial is specifically designed to aid the removal of open and closed comedomes (blackheads and whiteheads) and milia. The procedure includes double cleanse, tone, exfoliation, steam treatment, spot extraction, heated mask to draw out impurities finished with a luxury serum massaged gently into the skin. 


LED Light Facial £50

Non-invasive LED light therapy works at a cellular level. The soothing, deep penetrating LED lights target deep into cells heightening their internal functions, photo-stimulating dermal blood flow, and creating faster healing so your skin always looks rejuvenated. This facial therapy can aid skin rejuvenation and reduce acne breakouts, redness, inflammation, fine lines and wrinkles, post-inflammatory scarring, and Rosacea. 


S P Skin Peel £75

Strictly Professional chemical peels are a deep exfoliation procedure that reduce and improve fine lines and wrinkles, acne, scars, uneven skin coloring and other skin imperfections. Combined together with strictly professional facial products and finished with a soothing hydro jelly mask both skin treatments promise lovely, younger-looking skin.


CIT Facial £85

Collagen Induction Therapy/Microneedling is a highly effective and minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that rejuvenates and refreshes your skin, leaving you with a smooth and youthful appearance. A special dermal pen with tiny needles, is used, to break up existing collagen fibres, in the dermis, to encourage the development of fresh new collagen, with lasting results. This procedure is paired with the highest quality stem cell serums and soft gel face masks to treat your individual skin care requirements. CIT benefits include

Increases Collagen Production. ...

Improves hyperpigmentation and sun damage. ...

Minimizes fine lines and wrinkles. ...

Improves acne scars. ...

Minimizes pore size. ...

Improves effectiveness of topical products. ...

Smooths stretch marks. 

Reduces rosacea 

The best results are achieved when regular 6 weekly procedures are completed. 


B B Glow £95

The B B Glow Facial procedure combines the CIT/microneedling procedure and plant stem cell syrums with BB Glow products. Not only do you get all the benefits of the CIT procedure, you also get the added bonus of not having to apply foundation so often. The B B Glow products can give you a summer glow or a lightening affect, dependant on your desired results. The products are absorbed deeply into your skin creating the smooth appearance of wearing foundation without having to do so. A course of treatments is always best for longer lasting results.


Ultimate Youth £115

The ultimate Youth  Facial is a must for those who are require more youthful looking skin. This treatment combines many procedures to achieve optimum results. The whole process includes a double cleanse, tone,  dermaplaning procedure, CIT microneedling, stem cell syrums selected to target your specific skin care requirements, BB Glow syrums for a foundation or skin lightening affect, LED mask set to target specific problem areas at a deeper level, application of spf and aftercare advice. This procedure is effective at targeting fine lines and wrinkles, boosting callogen production for a more youthful appearance, healing acne scarring, redness and pigmentation, lightening tone or creating a lasting foundation effect. As with all facial care a regular routine is best. This procedure can be carried out every 6 weeks. 


Makeup removal £5.00

If you are unable to attend your appointment free from makeup, it will need to be gently removed using strictly professional products. This is in addition to any of the above facials.